Web Scraping using MongoDB with Python

Tue, Jun 6, 2023

Read in 4 minutes

Web Scraping using MongoDB in a docker container and Scrapy on python.

Starting the database

Using docker, this command will look for the image of mongodb community on the latest version, and if it doesn’t find it it will download and start.

Also, it will set the root_username=user so you have to change it, aswell as the root_password=pass

It will be listening to the default port 27017.

docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=user -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass mongodb/mongodb-community-server:latest

Using the async driver for mongodb in python motor:

poetry add motor

It will install all the dependencies.

Python script

In python, we can create a script to interact with the database. We’re going to make use of environment variables in order to setup the config.

Add an execption in the .gitignore in order to not include the .env file! This is critical for security!.

First create a .env file and put the data as follows:


Then we’ll use the python package decouple to preserve the secrets:

poetry add decouple

Next we create a python script for the actual database handling.

The imports look like this:

# my_app/database.py
This module contains the database class.
from decouple import config
from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
from pymongo.errors import PyMongoError

from my_app.logs.logger import app_logger

Then we call the environment variables

# read the connection string from the environment variables
db_url = config("DB_URL")
db_name = config("DB_NAME")
db_user = config("DB_USER")
db_pwd = config("DB_PASSWORD")

Next we create the database class:

class MongoDBCRUD:
    A class to handle CRUD operations for MongoDB.

        client (AsyncIOMotorClient): An asynchronous MongoDB client.
        db (AsyncIOMotorDatabase): An asynchronous MongoDB database.
        collection (AsyncIOMotorCollection): An asynchronous MongoDB collection.

    def __init__(self, collection_name: str):
        Initializes MongoDBCRUD with the given collection name.

            collection_name (str): The name of the collection to be used.
        uri = f'mongodb://{db_user}:{db_pwd}@{db_url}'
        self.client = AsyncIOMotorClient(uri)
        self.db = self.client[db_name]
        self.collection = self.db[collection_name]

In this code block, the initializer passes the database object into the class with the properly authenticated driver client and with the selected collection.

The async operations need to be defined as in the enter and exit methods are necessary for all the synching after the work is done. Also we include a method to check that the server is readily available:

# continuing the MongoDB_CRUD class
async def _initialize(self) -> None:
        Initializes the MongoDBCRUD instance by checking if the MongoDB server
        is available.

            await self.client.admin.command("ismaster")
            app_logger.info("Connected to MongoDB server")
        except Exception as e:
            app_logger.error(f"Error initializing MongoDBCRUD: {e}")

    async def __aenter__(self):
        Enters the asynchronous context manager.

            self (MongoDBCRUD): The current instance of MongoDBCRUD.
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None:
        Exits the asynchronous context manager and closes the MongoDB connection.

            exc_type: The type of exception raised, if any.
            exc_val: The instance of exception raised, if any.
            exc_tb: The traceback object encapsulating the call stack, if any.

        await self.client.close()
        app_logger.info("Closed connection to MongoDB server")

And finally the Create-Replace-Update-Delete CRUD operations, with finding:

    async def create_instance(cls, collection_name: str):
        Creates an instance of MongoDBCRUD with the given collection name.

            collection_name (str): The name of the collection to be used.

            instance (MongoDBCRUD): An instance of MongoDBCRUD.
        instance = cls(collection_name)
        await instance._initialize()
        return instance
      async def insert_one(self, document: dict) -> str:
        Inserts a single document into the collection.

            document (dict): The document to be inserted.

            str: The ObjectId of the inserted document as a string.
            result = await self.collection.insert_one(document)
            app_logger.info(f"Inserted document with ID: {str(result.inserted_id)}")
            return str(result.inserted_id)
        except Exception as e:
            app_logger.error(f"Error inserting document: {e}")

    async def find_one(self, query):
        Find a single document in the collection based on a query.

            query: The query to filter documents.

            The found document, if any.
            result = await self.collection.find_one(query)
            if result:
                app_logger.info(f"Found document: {result}")
                app_logger.warning("Document not found")
            return result
        except PyMongoError as e:
            app_logger.error(f"Error finding document: {e}")

    async def update_one(self, query, update):
        Update a single document in the collection based on a query.

            query: The query to filter documents.
            update: The update to apply to the document.

            The number of modified documents.
            result = await self.collection.update_one(query, update)
            app_logger.info(f"Updated {result.modified_count} document(s)")
            return result.modified_count
        except PyMongoError as e:
            app_logger.error(f"Error updating document: {e}")

    async def delete_one(self, query):
        Delete a single document in the collection based on a query.

            query: The query to filter documents.

            The number of deleted documents.
            result = await self.collection.delete_one(query)
            app_logger.info(f"Deleted {result.deleted_count} document(s)")
            return result.deleted_count
        except PyMongoError as e:
            app_logger.error(f"Error deleting document: {e}")

Now we have all the building blocks to ensure a proper management of the database.