Tue, Jun 6, 2023
Read in 1 minutes
How to get ArangoDB up and running
Start with docker run
sudo docker run -e ARANGO_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 -p 8529:8529 -d --name arangodb-instance arangodb
The root password will be automatically generated. In order to discover it you have to check the docker logs.
sudo docker logs arangodb-instance
But this method gets cumbersome and the password, which will appear at the beginning of the logs, can be hard to copy. So use instead this command in order to retrieve it from the logs and store it directly to a .env file
echo "DB_PASSWORD=$(sudo docker logs arangodb-instance | sed -n 's/.*GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD: \(.*\)$/\1/p')" > .env
Now you have the password, which you don’t know, stored in a .env file which you can copy into the root of your working directory, which you can check by entering the .env file or by typing
cat .env
You can check that the database is working properly by accessing it at http://localhost:8529 using the username root and the password from the .env file.